Chinese alphabet


chinese pronunciation audio

Chinese phonetic alphabet

alphabet Zì Mǔ Biǎo

There are 26 letters, starting from A and ending with Z.。

A a
B b
C c
D d
E e
F f
G g
H h
I i
J j
K k
L l
M m
N n
O o
P p
Q q
R r
S s
T t
U u
V v
W w
X x
Y y
Z z

Initial consonant table Shēng Mǔ Biǎo

Tip: Click. Icons can listen to the correct pronunciation of the corresponding initials.

b[玻 ]
p[坡 ]
m[摸 ]
f[佛 ]
d[得 ]
t[特 ]
n[讷 ]
l[勒 ]
g[哥 ]
k[科 ]
h[喝 ]
j[基 ]
q[欺 ]
x[希 ]
z[资 ]
c[雌 ]
s[思 ]
r[日 ]
zh[知 ]
ch[吃 ]
sh[诗 ]
y[医 ]
w[屋 ]

Rhyme table Yùn Mǔ Biǎo

Tip: Click. The icon can listen to the correct pronunciation of the corresponding vowel.

single vowel

a[阿 ]
o[喔 ]
e[鹅 ]
i[衣 ]
u[乌 ]
ü[迂 ]

Compound vowel

ai[哀 ]
ei[诶 ]
ui[威 ]
ao[奥 ]
ou[欧 ]
iu[悠 ]
ie[耶 ]
üe[约 ]
er[儿 ]

Pronasal vowel

an[安 ]
en[恩 ]
in[因 ]
un[温 ]
ün[晕 ]

posterior nasal vowels

ang[昂 ]
eng[鞥 ]
ing[英 ]
ong[轰 ]

Integral recognition syllable Zhěng Tǐ Rèn Dú Yīn Jié

Tip: Click. Icons can listen to the correct pronunciation of the corresponding whole syllable.

zhi[吱 ]
chi[吃 ]
shi[使 ]
ri[日 ]
zi[资 ]
ci[此 ]
si[思 ]
yi[衣 ]
wu[吴 ]
yu[鱼 ]
yin[因 ]
yun[晕 ]
ye[夜 ]
yue[月 ]
yuan[圆 ]
ying[英 ]

chinese pronunciation audio explanation:
The chinese pronunciation audio provides various reference tables such as initial consonant list, vowel list and whole recognized syllables, and also provides the pronunciation of corresponding letters (syllables), which is a good reference tool for learning Chinese phonetic alphabet and pronunciation.